So, I'm moving. Willie has accepted a job in Melbourne (at a law firm), and he starts in early September. Whoa, we're moving overseas!
But first, we need to get rid of a ton of STUFF, and figure out what to
take and what to put in storage of what remains. Luckily various
relatives are keen to take some of our furniture. And Willie has a
'Planning' spreadsheet a mile long. ;)
I've been to Melbourne once, last year, and it seemed pretty cool. A bit like Wellington but bigger, and with better public transport and funny accents. I was impressed with the NGV gallery and wished I had longer there - guess now I will! And the state library was pretty fancy. We're not sure yet whether we want to rent an apartment in the central city, or a flat further out (maybe Fitzroy or Brunswick). Here's a pic of us being touristy on Brunswick St, home of the fun op-shops and eateries:
I need to find out which choirs etc would suit me - looks like there are plenty to choose from! And brush up on my audition skills, i.e. polish up some songs that show off what I can do, and keep practising sight-singing. Hopefully I can find a good teacher over there too. Robert's keen to "make the most of me" while I'm still here, so
I'll be doing some more solos at St Mary's in the next couple of
months. I'd better get practising...
Ooooooh I can't wait! But lots to organise. XO